- Formosan colonies can be big. While native subterranean termite colonies might support an average of 300,000 workers, Formosan colonies can average millions of workers—many of them foraging for food.
- A colony of Formosan termites could forage an area more than one acre in diameter.
- As Formosan termites infest a structure, they use soil and wood cemented together with saliva and feces to build hard nests, called cartons, within walls and other voids. Large cartons can cause walls to bulge. These nests can house thousands of termites as well as hold moisture. Once established, Formosan termites can live without soil contact.
- Formosan termites can also infest and weaken living trees.
- Swarmers are larger than swarmers of native species, and they swarm in the evening and later in the year (May-June).
- Soldiers comprise about 10% of the colony.
- Formosan termites can damage non-wood materials. They have been known to chew through plaster, plastics, asphalt, and even thin sheets of soft metals like lead and copper as they forage for wood food sources.
- Formosan queens can produce 1,000 eggs a day.